Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Captain Tyin' Knots

We learned some knots today. Even better, they were rescue knots! I've always been impressed by a man who could tie a good knot. Never being that man I've often thought of learning a few to throw around at the cottage, or camping, or when something seems like it deserves more than just a shoelace double. I love knots.

Today's lesson in knots:
Simple Knot
Square Knot
Simple 8
Figure 8 on a Bight
Double Fisherman's Knot
Bowline Knot

After we were comfortable with our new knots our Captain offered to make it interesting. Two recruits stand in front of the class, the knot is called and the race begins. Last to finish does ten four-count pushups. I tied the figure eight on a bight, and I won. No extra pushups, at least not today.

For me Monday was a day of fear and loathing. Perhaps irrationally, I was anxious about the emergency escape from a second story window. Here's a video example (and note, we didn't do it with a rope or harness.) In the event you need to get yourself out of the window like yesterday; you exit head first, grab the two closest rungs and swing you legs around. Once in a reasonably secure position you slide down with you hands and feet lightly pressed against the outside of the beams - and that's that. I did it, I lived and I tried it again.

Additionally, I was sure I'd be leading the class through our calisthenics routine at the beginning of PT. All the group captains had their shot and logically as president I'd need to man-up for mine sooner or later. Today was the day - the Laredo Fire Recruits chanted 'TEEX, TEEX, TEEX...' for a leader to step forward and I jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. A few miscounts and forgotten exercises but I did it. I say one, they say fire, I say two, they say fire. It goes on like that until each exercise is repeated 15 times or more unless we're doing four-count pushups, squats or mountain climbers. I'm happy to have it over with but to be honest, it wasn't that bad. We're all here to succeed together. Coming from the often self-centered city of Toronto I have to say I've been surprised by the camaraderie here more than a few times.

After a rather weak showing at the shoulder press station in today's circuit training Captain Perez kindly notified me that hoses are going to kick my ass next week. So it goes.

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